Category: General

Launch of the ePortfolio Self-Development Study MOOC

The Europortfolio community is pleased to announce the launch of the “ePortfolio Self-Development Study” MOOC on the EMMA (European Multiple MOOC Aggregator) platform. The MOOC, starting on June 15th, is offered in three languages...

OER and Adult education: A need analysis in Europe

OER and Adult education: A need analysis in Europe

The need analysis developed by OERup! members in Romania, Germany, UK, and Spain reveal the status quo and recommended starting points for a successful implementation of open educational practices in adult learning. Core findings...

Adult Education in Europe: Needs and Challenges

Adult Education in Europe: Needs and Challenges

On the 3rd, 4th and 5th of March 2015 was held in Timisoara (Romania) the second face-to-face meeting of the OERup! project, attended by Maria Perez-Mateo and Nati Cabrera, both members of the Edul@b...

EMMA Project Meeting in Madrid

EMMA Project Meeting in Madrid

From the 15th to 17th of December, Professor Marcelo Maina, Edul@b member, and Jessica Chao, as a research assistant, attended an intensive exploitation workshop in Madrid for project EMMA ( EMMA (European Multiple MOOC...