Join the Open Pedagogies Webinar, 25.11.2015
What does Open Learning look like in practice? How can OER be included in teaching and learning? Within this one-hour webinar you will have the opportunity to get an introduction into the power of...
What does Open Learning look like in practice? How can OER be included in teaching and learning? Within this one-hour webinar you will have the opportunity to get an introduction into the power of...
Lourdes Guàrdia, Marcelo Maina, Elena Barberà and Ivan Alsina, members of the EUROPORTFOLIO Spanish Chapter, recently published the article entitled “Matriz Conceptual Sobre Usos y Propósitos de los Eportfolios” on the Procedia – Social...
On October 28th was held at the University of Ferm (Hagen, Germany) the final consortium meeting of the Europortfolio: a European Network of Eportfolio Experts and Practitioners (EPNET) project. The meeting was attended by...
Anthony Camilleri, policy consultant, project manager and quality & standardisation expert, will offer his wide knowledge on “Quality Assurance in Open Education” in the 3th OERup Opening Webinar, which will be held next Wednesday...
The Europortfolio community is pleased to announce the launch of the “ePortfolio Self-Development Study” MOOC on the EMMA (European Multiple MOOC Aggregator) platform. The MOOC, starting on June 15th, is offered in three languages...
On April 15th the fifth internal meeting of the EPNET project was held in the University of Plymouth (England). The meeting was attended by professor Lourdes Guàrdia and research assistant Ivan Alsina, members of...
The need analysis developed by OERup! members in Romania, Germany, UK, and Spain reveal the status quo and recommended starting points for a successful implementation of open educational practices in adult learning. Core findings...
Preliminary results of the OERup! Project show the need to provide Open Educational Resources (OER) in Adult Education in Europe. Specifically, the need analysis reports developed by project members from different countries (Romania, Germany, UK, Italy...
On the 3rd, 4th and 5th of March 2015 was held in Timisoara (Romania) the second face-to-face meeting of the OERup! project, attended by Maria Perez-Mateo and Nati Cabrera, both members of the Edul@b...
Following the successful launch of the EMMA platform in autumn 2014, the EMMA team is delighted to announce a new progamme of free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which you can sign up to...