Two researchers from Edul@ab participate in the “Global Dialogue on Micro-Credentials” debate organized by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Lourdes Guàrdia and Marcelo Maina, professors from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences and researchers from the UOC’s Edul@b research group, present a paper during the debate.
Due to the growing interest in micro-credentials, and the desire to provide guidelines and recommendations at European level for those institutions that want to implement this accreditation and recognition system, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Bologna Hub and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research organized on June 23 the debate “Global Dialogue on Micro-Credentials. Initiatives and Perspectives on Small Learning Units from around the World”.
To contribute to this debate, Lourdes Guardia and Marcelo Maina, professors from the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, and researchers from the UOC’s Edul@b research group, were invited to present a paper entitled “From academia to workplace: A micro-credentialing methodology for improved recognition of HE employability skills. EPICA Horizon 2020 pilot project at the Three East African universities” in the session “Perspectives and Initiatives from around the World”.
This paper is the result of the research and innovation work carried out within the framework of the EPICA Horizon 2020 project and also of the recent article published in the IJETHE Journal entitled: “A micro-credentialing methodology for improved recognition of HE employability skills“
Below you can see the infographic created by the organizers, where you can see the participants, an image that represents the issues addressed in the general debate.