Visiting Scholar – Bonnie Stewart en el context del Programa Data Cultures in Higher Education dirigit per Edul@b
E-Learning Caffé – CC-BY-2.0 by Aspire-Edu
(Text en anglès)
During the first week of December Edul@b will warmly welcome Prof. Bonnie Stewart. She has been exchanging ideas and jointly working with Juliana E. Raffaghelli (Edul@b member) in the topic of Faculty Development to promote a critical data culture in HE. This collaboration is placed in the context of the raising concern about the problem of datafication in the society and particularly in Education.
Bonnie Stewart is an educator and social media researcher interested in the implications of digital networks for institutions, for culture and society, and for learning. Assistant Professor of Online Pedagogy and Workplace Learning, Bonnie has an extensive background in digital and experiential education, and in work-integrated and adult learning approaches. Founder and Director of Antigonish 2.0, an international media literacy network, and current Visiting Fellow (2018-2021) at University of the Arts, London, Bonnie was an early MOOC researcher and ethnographer of Twitter as an academic environment. Her current research interests include what it means to know, to learn, and to be a citizen in our current information ecosystem.
Her visit is also of utmost importance for one initiative led by Edul@b, the “Webinar Series” on Data Cultures in Higher Education (details will be published soon!). This activity is being coordinated under the ongoing project Ramón y Cajal “Professional Learning Ecologies for Digital Scholarship: Modernizing Higher Education by Supporting Professionalism”, with the joint effort of the UOC UNESCO Chair Education and Technology for Social Change , and Edul@b leadership in past projects and present proposals being prepared.
During Bonnie’s visit, several open activities have been organized in order to get involved with her relevant expertise and research work.
The activities will be onsite and online, to share and spark ideas!
WORKSHOP: Datafication in Education: How Do We Deal with our Digital Systems?
Bonnie Stewart – Chair: Juliana Raffaghelli
December 4, 2019
December 4, 2019 – 15:00-18:00hrs – Building @22, Ramblas del Poblenou 156, Room -1B/-1H
In a world of “smart” appliances and constant surveillance, teachers and learners can’t engage in digital spaces – socially or educationally – without having to deal with questions of data. This hands-on workshop will explore the challenges datafication and digitalized machine learning systems pose. We’ll examine the premises and promises of big data, and the limitations they place on learning. The workshop will introduce a framework that helps identify the problems datafication poses for society, including surveillance, racist facial recognition technologies, and non-governmental systems with society-wide powers, and will draw on that framework to develop pathways for action in addressing these issues. We will also explore educators’ own data literacies for dealing with the complexities of teaching and learning in digital spaces today.
As part of the convivial activity, we will offer a coffee-break.
The ProSocial Web: Why Open Digital Practices Matter
Bonnie Stewart – Chair: Juliana Raffaghelli
December 5, 2019 – 16:00-17:00hrs – Online, and Onsite at: Av. Tibidabo 39, 08035 Barcelona, Room Josep Laporte
Can open networks and participatory practices be used to re/build towards digital platforms and policies that centre equity? This session explores the rise of misinformation and totalizing platforms, and the ways digital and open spaces are being weaponized at individual, corporate, and governmental levels. The session explores traditions of open participatory education and how open digital practices potentially seed meaningful change online and off. The conversation will frame the possibilities of open and participatory practice for building towards a more equitable information ecosystem and society.
Bonnie Stewart will be accompanied by Dave Cormier, who will be contributing to the discussion with his own research and perspective. Therefore, the Webinar activity will be also include Dave’s presentation.
The Community is the Curriculum: Building the ProSocial Web
Guest Speaker: Dave Cormier
December 5, 2019 – 17:00-18:00hrs – Online, and Onsite at: Av. Tibidabo 39, 08035 Barcelona, Room Josep Laporte
How do we affect change in our classrooms and lives that respond to the challenges and prepare us for the advantages of abundant digital connection? This session will discuss different approaches that can be used to make real, potentially lasting changes in our practices that still map to our values for education. Promoting iterative over transformation change, the seminar will set some basic premises and allow for an interactive, collaborative discussion on how the community is (and always has been) the curriculum.
All activities are free, but we need to register participants for communications over the events’ organization details. If you are interested in *any* of the activities above, please make your inscription below:
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