Teresa Romeu

Teresa Romeu

From 2000 to the present, she has been an associate professor in the Psychology and Education Sciences Studies, in the area of Digital Competence. Coordinates the subjects of “ICT Competences” in different Grades. She is also a professor of the Master of Education and ICT, coordinating the online Teaching itinerary, and professor of the Postgraduate in Leadership and Management of Educational Centers.

He is a member of the Undergraduate, Master’s and Postgraduate Final Thesis board. It also coordinates the initial online training for teaching staff joining the UOC. Since 2009 she has been a researcher in the Edul@b research group, a consolidated research group on Education and ICT. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society from the UOC.

His field of research focuses on e-learning and more specifically on collaborative work in a network, online teaching, digital competence in different sectors: citizens, teachers, health professionals and university students and not university students, learning ecologies and learning analytics for teaching improvement.

Throughout all these years, the applicant has participated in more than 20 competitive research projects between Europeans and nationals. He has participated in more than 10 transfer projects related to his research field.

The total number of articles published in indexed journals exceeds 20 publications. She participates in scientific meetings (congresses, conferences, seminars,…) and is a reviewer of national and international scientific journals. Directs 7 doctoral theses, of which 4 have already been defended.