Mapa de competències digitals ciutadania i Test de nivell de competència digital. / Mapa competències digitals professionals salut
Year: 2021
Edul@b Members: Guitert Catasús, Montse and Romeu Fontanillas, Teresa.
Critical digital literacy (DETECT Project)
Year: 2020
Edul@b Members: Raffaghelli, Juliana E.; Romero Carbonell, Marc and Romeu Fontanillas, Teresa.
New certification framework in ICT skills
Summary: This outcome impacts all Catalan citizens through the collaboration agreement that updates the general structure of ACTIC (Acreditació Competències TIC), provided by the Department of Governance and Public Administration of the Catalan Government.
Year: 2020
Edul@b Members:
Certification process on digital competences for primary and secondary schools
Summary: The Digital competence has been acknowledged by the European Union as one of the key competences for lifelong learning. This competence has a well established framework, the DigComp, that serves as a basis for a comprehensive conceptualization of what is required for any citizen to be actively involved and productively contribute to the knowledge society. Digcomp has inspired other initiatives and the development of more specific frameworks, such as the DigCompEdu, that establishes what it means for educators to be digitally competent and improve their teaching. The CRISS project (2016-2019) produced this outcome that made an impact on 42,636 students and 2,389 teachers, in 545 European schools
Year: 2021
Basic Digital Competences for Job Searchers – Guide for Trainers
Summary: This guide has been developed with the purpose of providing a basic methodological background, guidelines and activity sheets for the development of a practical training module, applying digital literacy to the job search process. It was an outcome of the SELFEE Digital Literacy and Social Emotional Learning for Engagement and Employment project (2017-2019), with a direct impact on 10 teachers, 3 Seminars & 427 unemployed people.
Year: 2018
Edul@b Members: Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu