Montse Guitert

Montse Guitert

Principal researcher at Edul@b

PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Barcelona, specialization in new technologies; Degree in Education from the University of Barcelona.

Professor of Psychology and Education Sciences at the UOC since its beginnings (1995), in the area of Digital Skills as well as in the Master’s of Education and ICT (e-learning).

His research focuses on the uses of ICT in education and training and in particular online collaboration, online teacher training and digital competences. He has participated and led in different projects on this topic at national and international level as well as transfer. Among them RESCCUE4COVID “REcover Spaces for traumatized Children in CommuUnity sEttings”; DIGITAL WBL: “Digitalisation of experiential learning and WBL – Deal with Digital Work-Based Learning”; EXCIITE: “Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe”; SUPERRED: “Supporting Self Regulated Learning in Emergency Remote Education”; ECOLHE “Empower Competences for Onlife Learning in HE” DigiTelPro “Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning”; CRISS “K-12 digital skills assessment and certification”; LExDigTeach“ Use of learning analytics in digital environments: impact on the improvement of university teaching practice; CODUR ”Creating an Online Dimension for University Rankings; ECO4LEARN “Ecologies of learning throughout life: ICT contributions to the professional development of the teaching profession”. He has published several articles and participated in international conferences and workshops in his research areas.

He has received the 2016 Jaume Vicens Vives Award from the Generalitat for leadership in online training on digital skills in the university environment and its impact on citizens.