Category: General

The DOTS project : Developing Online Teaching Skills

The DOTS project : Developing Online Teaching Skills

The European Centre for Modern Languages ​​(ECML) is an institution of the Europe Council that organizes projects to promote innovation and good practice in teaching and learning of languages ​​. As part of the...

Strategies for transforming teaching and learning

Strategies for transforming teaching and learning

Do you want to better know how post-secondary educational institutions have tried to integrate technology in teaching and learning? And also what actions and strategies are needed to ensure technology is used to support...

Are we educated to be creative ?

Are we educated to be creative ?

In our educational system, the classic tandem most valued materials are still formed by the language (the native and foreign) and mathematics. Many subjects are added to these: nature, social, technology, philosophy, history… all...

What do we mean by Digital Identity ?

What do we mean by Digital Identity ?

In the words of Francesc Llorens Cerdà , when we talk about digital identity in the network we mean a cluster target of three elements: the presence (being in the network is not sure...