Summary of the Conference “Immersive Learning Scenarios: A critical look at the built environment”
On Tuesday, June 25, the Closing Day of the Project “Virtual Reality for the generation of immersive learning scenarios” was held in the auditorium of the Joan Miró Foundation with the title “Immersive learning scenarios: A critical look at the built environment (CreativitArt Immersiva)”.
The event began with the institutional welcome of Jordi J. Clavero (Head of Public and Social Programming of the Joan Miró Foundation), Jordi Serarols (Deputy Director General of Research and Digital Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia) and Albert Sangrà (Professor of Psychology and Educational Science Studies at the UOC and member of the Edul@b research group). Next, Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu (representatives of the Edul@b team) explained the aim of the project: to contribute to the digital transformation of educational centers through support in the design, development and evaluation of projects interdisciplinary immersions able to influence the organizational culture of the centers and the established conceptions of pedagogical practice.
Thanks to the round table The potential of the network and collaboration for the transformation in education moderated by Josep M. Mominó (Edul@b) we learned about the motivations and challenges that prompted the entities that has collaborated. The participants were Sílvia Martínez (El Globus Vermell), Lluís Villarejo (Immersium Studio), Anna Ramos (Mies Van der Rohe Foundation) and Mercè Jarque (Joan Miró Foundation).
During the day we discovered the projects created by the students, by representatives of the participating schools: The way to school and Bombolla d’IE Eixample, Passarem! A footbridge over the Ginebró School’s via-river, El Vives is fashionable and Mondrian: Transformation and adaptation of the space of IE Lluís Vives and Discover Castellet of IES Castellet.
The projects had the participation of dozens of students from various educational levels, both kindergarten, primary and secondary school, high school and training courses. All the educational centers received digital material to develop their immersive projects, as well as training for students and teachers on how to optimally use digital resources. The 360 immersive tours are part of a digital repository that is available to all centres. Here you can access the list of all projects and access the videos created.
Finally, the attendees were able to enjoy the end of the day in the gardens of the Joan Miró Foundation with the possibility of experiencing the projects with VR glasses.
Participating entities and educational centers
The educational centers that are part of the project: IE Eixample (Barcelona), Escola Ginebró (Llinars del Vallès), IES Lluís Vives (Barcelona) i IES Castellet (Sant Vicenç de Castellet). The entities that push forward the project are Edul@b (UOC), Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Fundació Joan Miró, El Globus Vermell.