¡El proyecto DETECT continúa!

Nos complace informar a todos los educadores interesados en la comunidad transnacional del proyecto al que se acerca Learning Teaching and Training Activity Número 3.

Organizado por la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya en Barcelona, incluirá una serie de recursos y espacios para intercambiar ideas sobre el desarrollo de alfabetizaciones digitales críticas.

Ha sido muy estimulante preparar este LTTA, ya que estamos llegando al final del proyecto y nuestras ideas ahora abarcan una mejor perspectiva sobre los problemas asociados con las alfabetizaciones digitales críticas. Aun así, estamos abiertos a discutir y generar nuevos espacios para la práctica docente.

El primer día, hemos organizado una serie de actividades locales que se desarrollarán en paralelo, involucrando a expertos. Informaremos juntos, en una sesión abierta sobre los escenarios transnacionales comunes y la toma de decisiones.

En el resto de las sesiones, tenemos talleres «prácticos» que tratan temas de vanguardia: evaluación de la Alfabetización Digital Crítica; Data Storytelling; y fomentar las ecologías del aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida para fortalecer el profesionalismo de los docentes en torno a la CDL.

¡Ven y únete a nosotros!

Aquí está el programa.

Para las Sesiones Abiertas, hay un enlace activo que puede seguir para registrarse.

Day 1: 19 January 2022
The future of teacher training on critical digital literacies (organised as appropriate in local contexts)
Time Activity Lead Material Notes
Asynchronous A taste of the DETECT materials



[Self-Organised Learning Environment for Teachers – DETECT]

By invitation only
Strategy: Invite School Leaders, Policy Makers, Teachers’ trainers – 

One group for local context 

(Catalonia, Italy, Finland, UK)

UOC UOC Activity

Registration HERE

Time will vary 
Each university will organise and lead the panel discussion at a time that is suitable for them
Panel discussion with experts in local contexts

“Imagining future scenarios of teacher training about the CDL”

Day 2: 20 January 2022
Time Activity Lead Material Notes
10.00-11.00 (UK)11.00-12.00 (SP-IT)

12.00-13.00 (FI)


A- Plenary Session with results from the working groups – Streaming (either synchronous and asynchronous)
Registered participantsB- Morning Session Preparatory activities for the afternoon workshop on Data storytelling through a critical and ethical lens.
Open, all interested participants
DETECT delegatesJosé Luis Touron (Virolai)
You will receive the information from your local institution. 

Registration HERE

2-3:30pm (UK) / 3-4:30pm (SP-IT) 4-5:30pm (FI)
A- Workshop (90min) – Data storytelling workshop
Data is everywhere, but tells us nothing when data comes in raw form, like tables with numbers. The ability to effectively communicate with data is a part of data literacy nowadays. Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture, the other one is to engage our audience with a narrative. In this workshop we are going to learn the necessary skills to communicate our insights through interesting data stories. As a product of the workshop we will craft our own data story. Then, we will analyse the results with a critical point of view.
Open, all interested participants
José Luis Touron (Virolai) and UOC team For instructions and material, please register HERE
3:00-3:45 (UK)

3:00-3:45 (SP-IT) 

3:00-3:45 (FI)

3:45-4:30 (UK) 4:45-5:30 (SP-IT)  5:45-6:30 (FI)
B- Plenary Session (45min)
Open, all interested participants
José Luis Touron

Juliana E. Raffaghelli

Day 3: 21 January 2022
Time Activity Lead Material Notes
Asynchronous A-Engaging with Module 5 at the SOLET 

B-Guest Expert Video – Assessing the Critical Digital Competence

UOC Team

Darren Mundy

For instructions and material, please register HERE

WORKSHOP B (Assessment)

Only for DETECT teachers
Self-enrollment HERE

11:30-1pm (UK) 

12:30- 2pm (SP-IT) 1.30-3pm (FI)

A- Workshop 
Developing Learning Ecologies at school in the “hybrid” schoolA1- Team working at distanceA2- The School as a learning ecosystem of care
UOC Team For instructions and material, please register (SEE ABOVE, WORKSHOP A)
1:00-1:45pm (UK)

2:00-2:45 (SP-IT)

3:00-3:45 (FI)

Plenary Session

1:45-2:30 (UK)
Brief of the debates and activities’ outputs

B- Workshop
B1-Preparing assessment scenarios and Rubrics as strategy in connection with a broader context of literacy/competence.
Darren Mundy Self-enrollment HERE
2:30-2:45 (UK)

3:30-3:45 (SP-IT)

4:30-4:45 (FI)

Closing of LTTA 3 and evaluation Anastasia Gouseti

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