Network collaborative learning: one of the keys for online education
On November 26th and 27th, was held in Barcelona the “Conference about collaborative learning in virtual Environments”, organized by the Thematic Network on Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments (Red temática sobre Aprendizaje Colaborativo en Entornos Virtuales – RACEV).
RACEV is one of the currently active projects of the Edul@b group, also led by Dr. Montse Guitert.
The valuation of the conference was very positive, being developed on schedule.
About 60 people attended this conference, in which the collaborative learning network was presented as well as its members and activities developed, focusing specifically on a teaching guide on collaborative activities.
Two references in the field of CSCL contributed to this conference: Pierre Dillenbourg and Yannis Dimitriadis, experts in orchestration and collaborative learning supported by ICT.
16 contributions were presented around the three topics of the conference: Experiences around tools and collaborative platforms; Collaborative processes; and Assessment of collaborative processes.
The following are some of the conclusions of the conference:
- Design and redesign of collaborative activities was considered as a key for the improvement of the process developed by the student.
- The teacher’s role was focused from the point of view of orchestration: a teacher who directs and organizes the tools and phases of student learning.
- Information and training is required for teachers in the field of collaborative learning. Reinforcing this idea was presented a teaching guide for conducting collaborative activities.
- Special emphasis was placed on the planning and management of information in online collaborative activities.
- Collaborative processes require real collaborative activities and consistent evaluation processes.
- The point is to explain to students how and why they should collaborate.
- Create conditions increases the chances of success of the collaborative activity.
- Reflection, as constant and continuous process of thinking, analyzing, observing, reinterpreting… is a way of learning that emphasizes collaborative practices where interaction among students is a key.
Through the contributions presented it was evident that collaborative learning and the use of technology in education is a key element in the future of education.
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