Group members assists to EDEN Congress (European Distance Educational Network)

From 9th to June 12nd , 2010.

Presentation of paper “in Digital Learning: An Approach to Digital Learners in the UOC Scenario” Marc Romero, Montse Guitert, Albert Sangrà, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – UOC, Spain, Mark Bullen, Tannis Morgan, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada.
This paper was nominated by the scientific committee as a candidate for the prize “Best research Paper”.

Presentation of the paper e-LITIGIS: Role Play and Collaborative Learning through Web 2.0 by Nati Cabrera, which also authored the lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the UOC Monica Vilasau.

Roundtables coordination by Albert Sangrà and Montse Guitert, who attended also NAP Steering Committee meeting.

Event website

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