Author: ehc_admin

Are we educated to be creative ?

Are we educated to be creative ?

In our educational system, the classic tandem most valued materials are still formed by the language (the native and foreign) and mathematics. Many subjects are added to these: nature, social, technology, philosophy, history… all...

What do we mean by Digital Identity ?

What do we mean by Digital Identity ?

In the words of Francesc Llorens Cerdà , when we talk about digital identity in the network we mean a cluster target of three elements: the presence (being in the network is not sure...

Instructional design, a holistic approach

Instructional design, a holistic approach

Marcelo Maina presented on Tuesday April 26 a communication about an the approach to the design and delivery of online courses at the Open University of Catalonia. The event was held at the Faculty of Education at the Télé-université, Montreal, QC, Canada and was also diffused as a Webinar (to see, here – in French).

Design of reusable pedagogical scenarios

Design of reusable pedagogical scenarios

On 23 April, Marcelo Maina presented results of the research in a communication entitled: “The design of reusable pedagogical scenarios: theory, method and language.” The event took place at LICEF (Laboratory of CognitiveInformatics Training...

Participation in a new project of Redice program

Participation in a new project of Redice program

Nati Cabrera and Marc Romero involved in the project “La evaluación formativa de competencias mediante blogs” (Formative assessment of skills through blogs) recently approved under Redice program, coordinated by the University of Barcelona. The...