Join EXCIITE Project Hub For Innovation of Teaching Professions

EXCIITE Project has presented the Hub For Innovation of Teaching Professions where teachers can find resources on inclusiveness, creativity, innovation and digitalisation. This platform is open for all the teachers of all the different levels of education, from primary to secondary and much more.

The EXCIITE Hub is a place where teachers can find inspiration, good practices and theoretical studies for them to implement in the classroom. The goal is to help teachers update their knowledge in the relevant areas of education. Join the Hub and be part of the community by registering at this link for free. 

Learn more about EXCIITE Project

The EXCIITE project (Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe) has a clear focus on supporting school teachers in their continuing professional development in these challenging areas of competence and preparing the ground for a renewed initial teacher training curriculum. In particular, the meaningful, creative and interactive use of digital technology to make learning more learner-centred, more inclusive, and more stimulating is an important component of this project, which will use and adapt the knowledge base and experience of one of the leading European actors in this domain. The project’s approach to social inclusion is rather focused on supporting each learner’s progress and achievements by building on the identification of specific strengths and motivation and therefore stimulating children’s agency as a key for social inclusion and learning achievement.

The project is led by Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy). Other partners are: Fondazione Reggio Children – Centro Loris Malaguzzi (Italy);  Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l’Education et la Formation (Belgium); Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem (Hungary); Örebro University (Sweden); Universitat Oberta de Catalunya(Spain); Istituto Comprensivo « A. Manzoni » (Italy).

More information about EXCIITE Project, here

Join EXCIITE Hub, here.

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