Edul@b participates in the EADTU-ENQA Peer Learning Activity held in Brussels

On 21th and 22th of September took place in Brussels the EADTU-ENQA Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on quality assurance in blended and online education.

Dr. Nati Cabrera, member of the Edul@b Research Group and Director of the University Master’s Degree in Quality Management and Evaluation in Higher Education at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, participated in the event together with more than 45 participants from 18 universities, 12 auality assurance agencies and 6 governments and umbrella organisations.

The participants had a constructive dialogue on the aspects to be taken into account in order to ensure the quality in education when adopting these new forms of education, and whether there are differences in relation to traditional training.

Throughout this Peer Learning Activity (PLA) were identified some issues that will be collected in a working document that that will be shared with the educational community, governments and quality agencies. The intention is that the results of this PLA contribute to the Bologna process and its evolution, and can be introduced at the next meeting of ministers to be held in Paris in 2018.

All presentations of the sessions can be consulted here.

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