Edul@b promotes the creation of a network of experts in strategic development of e-learning in Latin American universities

The research group Edul@b was present at the “Seventh Iberoamerican Symposium on Education , Cybernetics and Informatics : SIECI 2010”, which was held in Orlando, Florida (USA ) from June 29th to July 2nd , in the framework of the Ninth iberoamerican Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics CISCI 2010.

Albert Sangrà organized an Invited Session entitled “E -Learning and Change in Universities: The Role of Support Units in Teaching”, where articles were sent by representatives of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru , the Universidad de A Coruña, the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, from Argentina, Costa Rica UNED and UOC itself, with an article by Nati Cabrera and Albert.

This meeting has also been used to carry out the first meeting of the “Network of Experts on Strategic Development of e-learning in iberoamerican universities .” This group has decided to hold next meeting in Lima in the VI Ibero-American Congress on University Teaching 2010, and organized PUCP of Peru . The meeting will add new members, among which is St. Thomas University of Chile and the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga , Colombia. It is planned to organize a symposium, which will be coordinated this time by Irene Pardo, the PUC of Peru .

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