Discover the Game Against Cyber Violence “The RESCCUE Adventures” 

The European project REcover Spaces for traumatized Children in Community settings post COVID-19 (RESCCUE), which aims to recover and rescue safe spaces to prevent and detect domestic and online violence against children and adolescents, presents a game that promotes the prevention, detection and action against cyberviolence called “The RESCCUE Adventures”. This game allows the educational community to influence the areas of mental health and cyberviolence. At the same time, look for safe spaces to talk about self-esteem, reconnection and attitudes towards various potential situations or experienced through screens.

The game has several goals, among them facilitating reflection, conversation and personal review in the face of cyberviolence. At the same time, encourage young people’s understanding of the consequences of their actions. In this way, skills will be developed to prevent cyber-violence. The activities on which the game is based are within the area of ​​education in civic and ethical values.

Through the ALART playful methodology, that is to say, the sum of the action of the game, personal or collective reflection and the connection with previous experiences, six different adventures are presented where young people will experience the consequences of their actions chosen. For example, viral video, online friendship, dangerous game, toxic campaign, threatening messages or not what it seems.

The partners of the project are: Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and the Fundació Sant Joan de Déu (coordinators), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Cornellà de Llobregat and the pediatric hospital Bambino Gesù (Roma).

Discover the Game “The RESCCUE Adventures”

Official Website of the RESCCUE Project

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