Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu Alongside Edul@b PhDs Share Their Research at INTED 2025 in Valencia

Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu (Edul@b Research Group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) shared impactful insights about the group’s projects and research alongside Edul@b’s doctoral students at the 19th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) in Valencia, 3-5 March 2025.

Edul@b PhDs in Education and ICT showcased the potential of their work and envisioned the future of education and technology during a vibrant conference in which five Edul@b research studies were presented. Find below more information about them, including an abstract abouth each study:

Arts Integration with Technology in Primary Schools: A Catalonia Perspective

By Nella Escala, Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu (Edul@b Research Group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Abstract: This research analyzes innovative pedagogical practices integrating arts and digital technologies into primary education, focusing on five schools in Catalonia. By providing insights into how this Integration contributes to meaningful learning experiences, the study explores how artistic approaches and technological tools foster creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking in the classroom. Through qualitative methods, such as participant observation and semi-structured interviews with teachers and school leaders, the research identifies common patterns and unique strategies employed across the schools. The findings reveal that the schools implement a flexible project-based methodology, aligning projects with real-world issues such as sustainability to enhance student engagement and make learning more relevant… find more information.

Empowering Students To Prevent Cyberviolence: Insights From The RESCCUE Project’s Workshop

By Teresa Romeu, Montse Guitert and Dèlia Espanyol (Edul@b Research Group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Abstract: A workshop titled ‘My role in a situation of cyberviolence’ was conducted to cope with the growing issue of cyberviolence among teenagers. Cyberviolence is increasingly recognized as a significant challenge for young people in the digital age (Livingstone et al., 2021). The workshop targeted students aged 12–16 and focused on these critical digital safety topics. The goal was to empower students with the tools and confidence to identify, prevent, and react responsibly to cyberviolence. Held across five secondary schools in Catalonia, Spain, the workshop engaged 988 students from grades 1, 3, and 4 of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) over a series of 43 sessions. The interactive format focused on active participation, reflection, and group discussions, with activities designed to create a safe, inclusive space for learning about complex digital issues… find more information.

Implementation of Computational Thinking In The Classroom: Perspectives From Initial Teacher Training 

By Nathalie Minuzie (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), Teresa Romeu (Edul@b Research Group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Montse Guitert (Edul@b Research Group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Anna Sonego (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) and Patricia Behar (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil).

Abstract: This study aims to identify the perception of students in initial teacher training on the use of essential tools for developing computational thinking (CT) in their educational practices. CT is considered a critical skill for solving complex problems based on the application of logical systematization. It is increasingly sought after in the workplace to tackle challenges that require innovative and, above all, creative solutions. The methodology involved administering a digital survey to participants with open and closed questions, followed by data collection and response analysis. Through the analysis of responses from 33 undergraduate students, the main tools and approaches that these future teachers deem important for implementing CT in the classroom were identified… find more information.

Opportunities For Updating Teachers’ Digital Competence Among Secondary School Educators Within The Analytical Framework Of Learning Ecologies

By Paula Pardo Todolí, Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu (Edul@b Research Group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify, based on this context in the Valencian Community, which mechanisms drive digitally competent secondary school teachers to continue training and updating themselves, using the analytical framework of learning ecologies. This involves analysing how teachers navigate a range of contexts, including activities, resources, and relationships—both formal and informal—and how this process creates learning opportunities related to their digital competence.  The study will be conducted in several phases, following a mixed methodology. A systematic review of the current literature on secondary teachers’ digital competence and their professional development within the framework of learning ecologies is being conducted as the first step… find more information.

Student Satisfaction With Feedback and Evaluation In Online Discussion Activities Using Learning Analytics

By Teresa Romeu, Javier Luís Cánovas, Montse Guitert, Juan Pedro Cerro, Mar Sabadell and Antoni Meseguer (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Abstract: The Open University of Catalonia (UOC) has created a web-based data analysis tool called ADELA, which enables the automatic extraction of data from messages exchanged by students in virtual debates. ADELA calculates a set of metrics within the virtual learning management system based on student interactions during the discussion, both at the group and individual levels. The tool allows for personalized analysis and offers metrics adapted to the unique characteristics of each course (e.g., focusing the analysis on a specific timespan or identifying the most relevant keywords). It also provides customized alerts based on pre-configured settings to identify students at risk or requiring additional support… find more information.

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