Register Now! EXCIITE Project Final Conference: “European Transformation Roadmap: Supporting the Renewal of Teaching Professions”, October 16th 2024, Brussels

EXCIITE Project presents the final conference of the project titled: “European transformation roadmap: supporting the renewal of teaching professions” which will be held in Brussels on October 16th, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM at Mundo Trône.
The objective of the conference is to present the results achieved throughout the life span of the project, as well as establishing a place for discussion and present new opportunities for future projects. In this sense, there will be a dedicated time for exchanges of expertise and point of view. For this reason, your participation would be highly appreciated as it may add to the overall improvement of the project. Registration is free and recommended.
EXCIITE is a project aiming at creating new learning opportunities for teachers by focusing on four main thematic areas. This process is only possible thanks to the creation of the EXCIITE Hub: a place where teachers can find inspiration, real life examples and theoretical studies for them to implement in the classroom. Our goal is to help teachers updating their knowledge in the areas of Inclusion, innovation, digitalisation and creativity.
The consortium is formed by Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy); Fondazione Reggio Children – Centro Loris Malaguzzi (Italy); Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l’Education et la Formation (Belgium); Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem (Hungary); Örebro University (Sweden); Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain); Istituto Comprensivo « A. Manzoni » (Italy).
More information about EXCIITE, here.
Register to the free Conference, here.