Edul@b is recognised as a consolidated research group by the Government of Catalonia
Once the call to support the activities of the research groups SGR 2017-2019, coordinated by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), has been resolved, the Edul@b research group of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has obtained the consolidation as a Research Group Recognised and Funded by the Government of Catalonia with the code 2017 SGR 1471.
The purpose of the SGR 2017-2019 call is to support groups that develop research in Catalonia in the different scientific areas with the aim of promoting their activity and the scientific, economic and social impact, as well as promoting the international projection of their research .
This consolidation strengthens the research activity of Edul@b, which had already been recognised in 2014 as a consolidated group by the Government of Catalonia, with the code 2014 SGR 1174, and, previously, had been recognised as an emerging group in 2009 with the code 2009 SGR 591.