Well-being in Digital Education Ecosystem (WINDEE)
Period: 2025-2028
Description: The well-being of students and educators in digital education is crucial. Our policy experimentation project addresses the lack of understanding, strategies, and coordinated policy efforts in this area. We build evidence, create solutions, and conduct experiments to refine and implement systemic policy changes. The project begins with comprehensive evidence building through research, assessment, and policy mapping on digital well-being. We then develop Digital Well-being Framework, integrating:
a) Person-specific factors including digital competences and health considerations.
b) Context-specific factors involving educational environment, learning design and school culture.
c) Device-specific factors pertaining to the types of digital devices and best practices for safe and balanced use.
The Digital Well-being Framework provides principles for responsible technology use and strategies for creating balanced digital learning environments. It includes practical recommendations for selecting technological solutions well-suited for learning design. We test the Digital Well-being Framework through experimentation in real-world educational settings. This iterative process refines our strategies, ensuring they are effective and relevant. Ultimately, we influence educational policies at regional, national, and European levels. By creating evidence-based policy recommendations and fostering systemic change, we strive to embed digital well-being into every classroom.
Consortium: Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), EDEN Digital Learning Europe (Estonia), Educraftor (Finland), EUN (Belgium), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), Knowledge Innovation Centre (Malta), National Agency For Education (Lithuania) and Tallinn University (Estonia).
Edul@b Members: Josep M. Duart
ADMIT (Leading partnership in Ai anD large language Models In higher educaTion)
Period: 2024-2026
Description: At ADMIT, we’re pioneering a new era in higher education by embracing the potential of ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLM). Our mission is to establish the educational and ethical frameworks necessary to integrate generative AI into teaching and learning, while addressing critical challenges like diversity, inclusion, academic integrity, and digital literacy.
Consortium: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), FernUniversitat in Hagen (FernUni), Open University of The Netherlands (OUNL), Open University of Cyprus (OUC), Universita telematica internazionale (UNINETTUNO), University of Jyvaskyla (JYU), Hellenic Open University (HOU), Anadolu University (AU), The Open University of the United Kingdom (OUUK) and Unidistance Switzerland.
UOC IP: Lourdes Guàrdia. Other Edul@b members: Marcelo Maina and Nati Cabrera.
DIGITAsia: Digital Transformation of Asian Higher Education
Period: 2024-2027
Description: DIGITAsia is fundamentally based on the principles of the Global Gateway in the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific aimed to assist partner countries to transform their education systems and on the basic belief that this project will further strengthen resilience in educational sectors of involved countries – Maldives, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
DIGITAsia project is focused on promoting innovation in higher education by implementing innovative learning and teaching methods that will enable continuous digital transformation of universities. The main objective is to empower HE institutions in highly geographically dispersed countries to engage with their digital transformation by boosting the skills of educators to be able to apply Education 5.0 through hybrid learning design principles driven by learning analytics and student characteristics in order to develop effective, inclusive, accessible, and quality courses.
Edul@b Members: Marcelo Maina, Lourdes Guardia and Nati Cabrera.
TRUELA (Trustworthy learning analytics and articial intelligence for sound learning design)
Period: 2023-2027
Description: Trustworthy Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Sound Learning Design (TRUELA) is a research project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (IP-2022-10-2854), led by Professor Blaženka Divjak, PhD. The project will be implemented between 30 December 2023 and 29 December 2027, with the total budget amounting to 119.344,35 EUR. The project aims to develop new LA and AI approaches and methods that use large amounts of data generated (primarily) in learning management systems. These methods and approaches will generate learning analytics that inform learning design, and support the implementation of innovative teaching methods and e-assessment strategies. Moreover, the project aims to detect and analyze learning patterns in online and blended learning environments, and thus advance the understanding of learning processes.
Consortium: FOI and International Experts: Prof. Bart Rienties, PhD, The Open University; Prof. Dragan Gašević, PhD, Monash University; Mladen Raković, PhD, Monash University; Yi-Shan Tsai, PhD, Monash University; Prof. Wim Van Petegem, PhD, KU Leuven; Prof. Hanni Muukkonen, PhD, Oulu University; Prof. Lourdes Guardia, PhD, Open University of Catalonia and Prof. Alexander Tillmann, PhD, Goethe University.
Edul@b Member: Lourdes Guàrdia
RESCCUE4COVID REcover Spaces for traumatized Children in CommUnity sEttings post COVID-19
Period: 2021-2025
Description: REcover Spaces for traumatized Children in CommUnity sEttings post COVID-19 (RESCCUE) aims to recover and rescue safe spaces to prevent and detect domestic and online violence against children and adolescents.
It is a collaborative model that targets the educational sector, the primary healthcare system and the mental health system and focuses on 1. Empowering children and adolescents to reduce their exposure to violent situations and 2. Empowering education professionals and families to prevent violence and support victims of violence.
Consortium: Fundación Sant Joan de Déu, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Ayuntamiento de Cornellà de Llobregat, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
DIGITAL WBL: Digitalisation of experiential learning and WBL – Deal with Digital Work-Based Learning
Period: 2022-2025
Description: Digital WBL project want to develop an innovative methodological approach through virtual reality and go beyond the current training standards in e-learning methods! When the pandemic started we faced with a criticality in carrying out formative paths in enterprises. To go on with distance VET learning courses, we had to overcome not logistical difficulties but, above all, we had to deal with new teaching digital approaches. VET teachers had to develop new skills, competences and methodologies. However, in a time of difficulty, we realised that our community was full of resources and opportunities. We understood that through collaboration with different local entities, like Innovation Hub, Universities and research centres, we could carry out our VET courses and at the same time we could enrich our educational expertise and provide a better training experience. The collaboration with other local realities allowed a didactic continuity and it made the training more heterogeneous. Moreover the cooperation allowed the training activities to be applied in different areas and sectors by achieving a greater impact on the territory In addition, we identified a great commercial potential related to the implementation of the metaverse and virtual reality in the educational field. The project is want to guide VET trainers and Institutions into include digital work based learning path in order to provide a better training experience and capable of creating new business opportunities. Through Deal with Digital WBL project we want to develop an innovative methodological approach through virtual reality and go beyond the current training standards in e-learning methods
Consortium: SFC, Sistemi Formativi Confindustria, Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences, IPOSZ, Dinamo 3d, CIS, Scuola per la gestione d’impresa, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, DHBW, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Hanse-Parlament
Period: 2022-2024
The pandemic confirms the findings that universities are not very flexible organizations and have little capacity to react flexibly to uncertainties. From the possibility that the same student receives part of their education in person and part online, through different groups of students, some in a classroom and others connected remotely, to completely online models, in which synchronous moments of learning alternate with asynchronous moments.
There is no single vision of what is hybrid or semi-presential, but rather there is a wide diversity of online educational models, which depend on the way in which we activate or use their potential components. There is, however, something that is decisive for the case at hand, and that is who can make the decision to apply one model or another.
For personal and scientific reasons, our consortium is motivated to share the experiences we have carried out over the last few years in the fields of teaching and learning under uncertainty. The adoption of the ideas presented in this proposal can allow us to seamlessly transition between face-to-face and online moments, without the learning process suffering as a result. A new hybrid educational model (NHE model), from a different perspective, is on our side.
The project aims to address the main priority “ES: Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices”. In this context, the objective of this project is to stimulate innovative teaching and learning practices through the development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of a new hybrid educational model (NHE model) for higher education, with special consideration of inclusion, flexibility and sustainability. The result of the project is a new hybrid educational model (NHE model) that supports a fluid transition between different modes of teaching and learning, encourages inclusion, is flexible and sustainable, is written and made available to the public in different languages for teachers in higher education institutions with a supporting modular certification program (MOC program) that participating institutions will incorporate into their regular work.
Consortium: Tallinn University, Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitätErlangen-Nürnberg, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
EXCIITE: Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe
Period: 2021 – 2024
Description: The EXCIITE (Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe) project aims to enhance creativity, inclusion and equity in European schools. The final beneficiaries of this project are school pupils/students, who will benefit from more inspiring and inclusive learning environments. EXCIITE addresses this goal by focusing on teachers’ competences: it proposes a conceptual framework, concrete requalification pathways for in-service teachers and a set of methodological and organisational resources suitable to support the “creative and meaningful transition” of school systems.
The EXCIITE project has a clear focus on supporting school teachers in their continuous professional development in these challenging competence areas and preparing the ground for a renewed initial teacher education curriculum. In particular, the meaningful, creative and interactive use of digital technology to make learning more learner-centred, more inclusive and more stimulating is an important component of this project, which will use and adapt the knowledge base and experience of one of the main European actors in this field, but also use the multilingual SELFIE tool to specifically address teachers’ competences and school digitalisation strategies. The project’s approach towards social inclusion focuses rather on supporting the progress and achievements of each learner based on the identification of specific strengths and motivations and therefore stimulating children’s agency as a key to social inclusion and learning achievement.
To design a series of training modules that are combined into flexible and personalised learning paths based on a self-assessment tool designed to help teachers recognise their own training needs.
Build a Centre for Teacher Training, consisting of a web-based repository of multilingual learning resources for teachers (building on what is already available in national teacher training agencies and at EU network level), to help them develop and practise skills in creativity, innovation in learning, self-regulated learning, valuing diversity and social inclusion.
Create an alliance of teacher training institutions able to collaborate at a transnational level and support the exchange of resources and good practices in the field of in-service teacher training.
The ONE Meeting Project
Period: 2021 – 2023
Description: The ONE project’s clear goal is to increase the environmental knowledge and digital communication and collaboration competences of HE leaders and staff, to carry out multi-national projects successfully with only ONE transnational partner meeting.
The first tangible results of the project will be the intellectual outputs:
- IO1 “The Business Case for ONE-meeting projects” – A high profile report (document) with supporting materials such as an Executive Summary, animated video explainers and infographics that raise awareness about the importance of introducing more virtual/remote meetings and reducing the environmental impact of transnational partner meetings.
- IO2 “ONE Virtual Collaboration Toolkit” – After an extensive audit of meeting, project planning, creativity and collaboration software and tools, we showcase the best in the toolkit with practical guidance on how to integrate them and make the most of them.
- IO3 “All-you-need-to-know Guide to Running ONE-meeting projects” A practical guide that complements output one, by presenting a step-by-step strategy for converting your next projects to one meeting only. It looks at changes you need to make and the technology you can use at each step of project planning, implementation, and evaluation and follow up.
Consortium: FernUniversität in Hagen, EUCEN, Università Degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Canice Consulting, University of Jyväskylä, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya y Momentum
DIGI-PROF Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors
Period: 2022 – 2024
The aim of Digi-Prof project is to support HE teachers and HE institutions to design and implement transparent assessment for online learning and recognition of learning outcomes by proposing methodology, guidelines, practical tools and training material to develop their digital competences.
The general goals explained above will be pursued through the following objectives:
- Prepare methodological guidelines, tools and training material for HE teachers.
- Develop HE teacher digital assessment competences.
- Prepare the guidelines for HE institutions to implement transparent assessment of learning outcomes for online and blended learning, leading to digital and micro-credentials.
- Design online and blended learning curricula for virtual and blended cooperation of consortium institutions embedding transparent assessment and mutual recognition of learning outcomes.
Funding: Total: 295.944,00€
Financed by: Erasmus+.
Main Researcher: Josep Maria Duart
Edul@b Participants: Marcelo Fabián Maina, Lourdes Guàrdia, Maria Luisa Malerba
Reference Number: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000031154
Supporting Self Regulated Learning in Emergency Remote Education (Super RED)
Period: 2021-2024
Description: SuperRED aims at increasing the overall quality of the education system, while offering methodologies and tools effectively adaptable to local contexts where the knowledge is co-designed through the stimulation of reflective practices. SuperRED will aim to: increase student’s levels of autonomy in the management of learning processes through innovative digital tools to improve motivation and involvement, and to preserve the inclusive nature of learning opportunities; provide
an educational training for teachers on the themes of effective remote teaching/blended learning, in order to develop digital competences on learning design and to ensure high quality inclusive digital education, thus empowering teachers to face new emergencies to be achieved through a serious-game-based approach. These objectives will contribute to increasing the digital readiness of the learning ecosystem to manage an effective shift towards digital education, and fostering teachers’ and students’ resilience to tackle unplanned events.
Consortium: National Research Council (CNR), Delft University of Technology, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, University of Florence, Bernardusscholen, Escola SOLC y ISA13
DigProTel Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning (DigProTel)
Period: 2021 – 2023
The aims of the DigiTeL Pro project are:
- Professional development for digital teaching and learning
- Design, developing and implementing CPD courses on respectively synchronous hybrid, blended and online teaching for anyone involved in digital course and curriculum development and for leaders steering this process.
- Optimize models, guidelines and pedagogies by top level research and innovation groups leading to mature and high quality education.
- This will accelerate the Modernization Agenda and the digital transformation of education systems across
Europe, supporting ultimately the Green Deal.
The objectives of the DigiTeL Pro project are:
- Explore and forecast educational needs of teaching staff and learners within and after the COVID+ era;
- Exchange expertise between researchers and innovators on synchronous hybrid, blended and online distance learning, optimizing models and guidelines for short-term and future CPD;
- Design, plan and develop continuing education courses enabling anyone involved in course and curriculum development in adapting to hybrid, blended and online distance learning;
- Organise three course cycles in a CPD programme for digital education;
- Empower student readiness for digital learning by an online course and integrating the “student voice’” in all learning scenarios;
- Reinforce the ability of universities to provide high quality, inclusive and scalable digital education.
Participating Edul@b members: Albert sangrà, Dr. Monste Guitert and Dr. Juliana Raffagelli
Reference no: EU_ERASMUS+_K2_Strategic_Partnerships_COVID_20
Empower Competences for Onlife Learning in HE – ECOLHE
Period: 1/09/2020 – 31/08/2023
Description: The ECOLHE project is an action research project that aims to create the best conditions for an exchange of best practices, at European level, in:
- Teaching digital skills in HE;
- Training course for teachers and tutors for improving online teaching in HE in the logic of LLL, inclusion and innovation recalled by High-Level Group on the Modernization HE;
- Recognition and validation of teaching competences in HE for teachers’ professional development;
- Recommendation for Academic Bodies.
The principal objective of ECOLHE is to understand the way in which national policies have translated the European policies, and how the universities have translated regulatory constraints in practice with the intent to intercept useful suggestion for policy-makers, decision-makers and Academic Bodies in order to built an EEHEA founded on the teacher’s professionalization and EQAS.
Grant amount: 416,430,00€
Lead Researcher: Dra. Montse Guitert
Participating Edul@b members: Dra. Teresa Romeu, Dr. Marc Romero
DETECT: DEveloping TEachers’ Critical digital liTeracies
Period: 2019-2022.
Description: DETECT project aims to raise awareness amongst educators and support them in developing critical digital literacies in relation to the use of digital technologies and social media. This will involve reconceptualising the notion of digital literacies in order to look beyond functional ICT skills and e-safety and encompass instead a richer set of critical digital literacies that are tailored specifically to educators’ personal and professional needs within a school context.
Grant amount: Total: 429.906€
Funding body: Erasmus +.
Reference no: 2019-1-UK01-KA201-061508.
Participating Edul@b members: Teresa Romeu, Marc Romero, Juliana Raffaghelli.
AMED: Advancing higher education in Maldives through E-learning Development
Period: 2019-2021.
Description: This project has a goal to enable support of the modernization, approach and internationalization of higher education placed in Maldives through academic teacher competences and skills promotion, considering new innovative education programs in E- learning.
Grant amount: 720.592€
Funding body: Erasmus+ programme – KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Partners: University of Zagreb (UZ), Maldives National University (MNU), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), CARnet
Participating Edul@b members: Marcelo Maina (IP UOC), Lourdes Guàrdia, Nati Cabrera and Albert Sangrà.
SELFEE: Digital Literacy and Social Emotional Learning for Engagement and Employment
Period: 2017-2019.
Description: The SELFEE project is an European Erasmus + project, which aims to provide new tools to professionals working in the field of employment that enable the development of transversal skills focusing on Digital Literacy and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) with unemployed persons at risk of social exclusion. The program includes training for all those professionals, who will allow them to design and offer training and programs occupations where the final beneficiaries can apply all these skills in an integrated way in their work research processes and / or change of professional orientation.
Grant amount: 25.481€ (Total: 284.576€).
Funding body: Erasmus +.
Partners: UOC (Catalonia), La Xixa Teatre (Catalonia), Kepes (Hungary), DW-RS (Holland), Elan (France).
Participating Edul@b members: Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu.
EPICA: Strategic partnership for the co-design of an innovative and scalable eportfolio ecosystem to improve the quality and visibility of skills
Period: 2018- 2020
Description: Technology is driving change in Africa and knowledge has become a key driver of growth and development. Moreover, education needs to meet the demands of the work place and provide the skills and competencies needed to foster local economies. However, a severe mismatch exists between the skills of young workers and the skills that employers need for the emerging economies. EPICA (Strategic Partnership for the Codesign of an Innovative and scalable ePortfolio ecosystem to improve the quality and visibility of skills) aims to contribute to address this skills-gap through a process of co-design, adaptation, implementation and validation of an innovative and scalable Competency-Based ePortfolio, with an international partnership that includes industries, leading educational organisations, four universities in three Sub-Saharan countries (Open University of Tanzania, Makerere University from Uganda, Maseno University from Kenya, and the African Virtual University) and one EU University (Open University of Catalonia).
Grant amount: 289.150€ (Total: 1,897,450.01€).
Funding body and reference no: H2020-ICT-2017-1 (Information and Communication Technologies Call) / ICT-39-2017-IA
Coordination: International Council for Open and Distance Education (NO)
Partners: Sub-Saharan countries (Open University of Tanzania, Makerere University from Uganda, Maseno University from Kenya, and the African Virtual University) and one EU University (Open University of Catalonia).
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia (IP UOC), Marcelo Maina and Albert Sangrà.
eSLP: European SLP’s for continuous professional development and lifelong learning
Period: 2018-2020.
Description: European SLP’s for continuous professional development and lifelong learning
Grant amount: 666.294€
Funding body and reference no: European Commission. 590202-EPP-1-2017-1-NL-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Coordination: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia and Marcelo Maina.
Proyectos completados (2005-2019)
CODUR: Creating and Online Dimension for University Rankings
Description: This project aims to generate a set of European-led quality criteria and indicators for the measurement of world-wide online education dimension, and the guidelines for integrating these online education metrics in the current U-Multirank ranking, the European funded university ranking which intends to be a European contribution to the development of a multidimensional ranking. CODUR would like to impact on 15-20 European higher education online education institutions in an initial stage and on at least 50 non-European international universities later on.
Grant amount: 172.082€
Funding body and reference no: European Comission (SEPIE), 2016-1-ES01-KA203-025432
Lead researcher: Dr. Albert Sangrà, Edul@b Research Group, UOC.
Participating Edul@b members: Nati Cabrera and Montse Guitert
Partners: The Open University (UK), Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca – Istituto delle Tecnologie Didattiche (Italy)
DECODE: DEvelop COmpetences in Digital Era. Expertise, best practices and teaching in the XXI century
Description: DECODE aims at highlighting experiences, practices and teachers competences activated in schools in digital fields, with the intent to favor the diffusion of best practises and the improvement of media and digital literacy. DECODE intend to experiment a new training model for teachers, which aims at contributing to the creation of digital competences to respond the new demands of knowledge and information society to education system.
Grant amount: 76.053 (Total: 317.271,00 €).
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission, Program: H2020, 2016-1-IT02-KA201-024234.
Lead researcher: Dr. Stefania Capogna, Fondazione Link Campus University.
Partners: Centro di ricerca CRES-IELPO, Università Roma Tre (Italy), Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), OMNIA (Finland), Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei (Romania), Aspire International (U.K.), ANP (Italy).
Participating Edul@b members: Montse Guitert, Teresa Romeu, Marc Romero.
CRISS: Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools
Description: CRISS aims to provide an innovation infrastructure for personalized learning and teaching of digital competences to support and motivate teachers and students; work towards the implementation of digital competences acquisition, evaluation and certification in European primary and secondary schools; and provide open, interoperable components for a flexible, scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure.
Lead researcher: Dr. Dimitris Vassiliadis, EXUS Software LTD.
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission, H2020-ICT-2016-2017 – ICT-22-2016.
Grant amount: 478.452,00 (Total: 4.872.336,60€).
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia (IP UOC), Montse Guitert, Marcelo Maina, Teresa Romeu
Partners: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, University College of London, University of Zagreb, EXUS (UK), Education4sight, MyDocumenta, Diginext, Escoles Pies, Sandetel, Gobierno de Navarra, CARnet.
CACTLE (Implementing a Central Asian Centre for Teaching, Learning and Entrepeneurship)
Period: 2015-2018
Funding body and reference no: European Comission, Programa: H2020, 561495-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
Grant amount: 35.860€ (Total: 942.604 €).
Lead researcher: Joseph Af, Wirtschaftuniversität, Wien (Austria).
Partners: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, Fundació per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universidade da Coruna, International University of Kyrgyzstan, Arabaev Kyrgyz State University, Turar Ryskulov New Economic University NEU, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Bukhara State University, Ferghan State University, Westminster International University in Tashkent.
Participating Edul@b members: Albert Sangrà.
Digital Learners in Higher Education
Period: 2010-present.
Description: New and emerging technologies are having a profound impact on how we communicate, interact, access and use information. They are affecting business, entertainment and social activity. Commentators and futurists suggest there are profound implications for education as well. They argue that because this “Net Generation” of learners is so immersed in a networked world of digital technology, they behave differently, have different social characteristics, different ways of using and making sense of information, different ways of learning, and different expectations about life and learning. But is this an accurate portrayal of our students? The answer to this question has potentially significant and costly implications for how we teach and how we use learning technologies. This international research project is investigating how postsecondary learners in different institutional contexts and cultures think about technology and how they use it in their social and educational lives. We will examine the issue in depth to gain an understanding of what the growing use of the new digital technologies means for teaching and learning in higher education.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Mark Bullen, British Columbia Institute of Technology.
Participating Edul@b members: Montse Guitert, Albert Sangrà, Marc Romero.
ATM: Adaptive Teaching Model
Period: 2013
Description: The main aim of the project is to identify the expectations both the students and the teachers have regarding the online teaching behaviours and performance, considering the SDLS theoretical framework. The results will provide new insights on how to teach online and how to support the online teachers’ professional development.
Web site: under construction
Lead researcher: Dr. Lawrence C. Ragan, Penn State University.
Participating Edul@b members: Albert Sangrà, Teresa Romeu, Montse Guitert, Lourdes Guàrdia.
OERup: OER uptake in adult education institutions
Period: 01-09-2014/31-08-2016.Description: OERup! takes up the need of promoting and fostering successful implementation of practices with OER in adult learning institutions in Europe, with the aim of raising awareness of the value to be derived from OER, as well as supporting an OER-friendly environment in education institutions to widen participation in Open Education. The core of OERup! will be the development and testing of a training package consisting of a blended-learning training concept and material on the topic of OER, addressing European AEI (its management, staff and teachers). This training package will inform about the general principles, and new developments of OER with a special focus on pedagogical concepts on how to integrate OER production and use in the lessons plan, take up necessary specific tools and skills needed to create OER, and explain on the basis of practice examples how OER can be successfully integrated in the business concept of an AEI.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Ines Kreitlein, Medien-Und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission, Erasmus+. Ref.: 2014-1-DE02-KA204-001432.
Grant amount: 222.016,00€.
Participating Edul@b members: Marc Romero, Nati Cabrera, Montse Guitert, Marcelo Maina, Maria Pérez-Mateo.
EMMA: European Multi MOOC Aggregator
Period: 2014-2016.
Description: The objective of this proposal is to pilot a number of trusted elements to put in place a unique platform to support ICT-based innovation in higher education and training approaches, thus scaling up existing trials and translation solutions. Validation and evaluation processes will also be tested during the pilot. Emma aims to showcase excellence in innovative teaching methodologies and learning approaches through the large-scale piloting of MOOCs, providing a system for the delivery of free, open, online courses from diverse European universities with the goal of preserving Europe’s rich cultural, educational and linguistic heritage and promoting cross-cultural and multi-lingual learning. MOOCs are a recent development, rapidly becoming a significant trend in higher education. The open nature of MOOCs provides opportunities for expanding access to higher education and creating a space for experimentation with online teaching and learning. This exploration of new approaches for higher education provision has generated significant interest from governments, institutions and others. Building on existing and proven technology, EMMA will provide an opportunity, even for smaller institutions, to share high-quality content. EMMA will provide a framework and infrastructure, while participating institutions will remain autonomous in their choice of design, methodology and tools. EMMA will operate in two main modes; as an aggregator and hosting system of courses produced by European universities; and as a system that enables learners to construct their own courses using units from MOOCs as building blocks. The EMMA Consortium aims at a multi-lingual, multi-cultural approach to learning by offering inbuilt translation and transcription services for courses hosted on the platform. The pilot will operate in 2 steps, first by making available a significant number of existing courses from project partners and/or MOOCs providers and then by bringing on board a second tier of universities keen to experiment with MOOCs. Pilots will run in 7 countries with a total of 16 MOOCs and will involve at least 60.000 users. Courses will be offered in the language of each country, in English, and the pilot will trial an embryo form of multi-lingual translation by offering courses in Italian and Spanish as well. Advances in learning analytics will feature in the analysis and evaluation work and a series of innovative approaches will be trialed to make the piloted service sustainable in the medium to long term.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Rossana De Rosa, Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy).
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission, CIP-Pilot actions. Ref.: CNECT-ICT-PSP-621030.
Grant amount: 160.362€.
Participating Edul@b members: Albert Sangrà, Marcelo Maina, Lourdes Guàrdia, Marc Romero, Teresa Romeu, Nati Cabrera, Maria Pérez-Mateo.
D-TRANSFORM (Digital Resources as a New Strategical Factor for a Renovation of Modernisation in Higher Education)
Period: 2014-2017
Funding body and reference no: European Commission, 2014-1-FR-01-KA203-002425
Grant amount:: 449.822€
Participating Edul@b members: Albert Sangrà
Enhancing Quality of Technology-Enhanced Learning at Jordanian Universities (eQTel)
Period: 2013-2016.
Description: EQTeL aims to improve the quality and relevance of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) at Jordanian higher education institutions in order to decrease the level of unemployment of young people and to enable the country’s easier inclusion into European Higher Education Area. The main project objective is to improve, develop and implement accreditation standards, guidelines and procedures for quality assurance of TEL courses and study programs at a national level. The new standards will assimilate the quality of TEL courses offered by higher education institutions in Jordan, and would consequently be incorporated into existing legal acts and regulatory documents at both institutional and national levels.
Web site: under construction.
Lead researcher: Dr. Christine Appel, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission, Tempus. Ref.: 544491-TEMPUS-1-2013-ES-TEMPUS-SMGR (2013-4568/001-001).
Grant amount: 996.007,16€.
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia.
EPNET: Europortfolio: a European Network of Eportfolio Experts and Practitioners
Period: 2013/2015.Description: The aim of Europortfolio is to contribute to the realisation of a European area for lifelong learning, using ePortfolios as a means to support reflective learning and practice as well as transparency and trust across all the actors involved in education and employment. This will be achieved by structuring the community of European ePortfolio experts and practitioners with a Learning Community Portal as a space to publish, share and review data and resources on ePortfolio practices and technologies. In co-operation with leading experts and practitioners in Europe and beyond (USA, Australia), the project will produce an inventory of ePortfolio practices, an ePortfolio Framework, a Maturity Matrix of ePortfolio projects, examples of innovative practices, implementation and exploitation guidelines and Open Educational Resources (OER). Europortfolio Portal will act as a gateway to prompt and support further ePortfolio initiatives in Europe and share the lessons learnt to improve the outcomes of further projects. The Network of ePortfolio experts and practitioners will ensure the most recent findings on ePortfolios in EU are shared and made accessible to all decision makers and education leaders of EU member states.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Igor Balaban, University of Zagreb.
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission, Life long learning programme. Ref: 531312-LLP-1-2012-1-HR-KA3-KA3NW.
Grant amount: 426.434€
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia, Marcelo Maina, Ivan Alsina.
Open educational practices: a bottom-up approach in Latin America and Europe to develop a common Higher Education Area (OportUnidad)
Period: 2012-2014.
Description: The project overall objective is contributing to strengthen and sustain the EU-LA Common Higher Education Area, through a bottom-up approach, by the increasing use of open educational practices and resources (OEP & OER).
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Cristina Stefanelli, Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” – Telematica (USGM).
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission – ALFA III programme (DCI-ALA/19.09.01/11/21526/279-705/ALFA III (2011)-218).
Grant amount: 864.302 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Marcelo Maina (coord.), Lourdes Guàrdia, Montse Guitert, Albert Sangrà, Marc Romero, Maria Pérez-Mateo.
Innovative methodologies in language learning and assessment
Period: 2013-2014.
Description: By promoting more efficient ways of teaching, learning and evaluating foreign languages the action will foster employability, mobility, and economic growth as well as social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and thus active democratic citizenship.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Sarah Breslin (ECML).
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission and European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) (EAC-2013-0175).
Grant amount: 505.300 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Joseph Hopkins.
Testing an Open Education Resource Framework for Europe (OERtest)
Period: 2010-2012.
Description: OERtest aims to develop standards for the supply of open educational resources, with guidelines for evaluating the work done by the students through these resources, quality standards, management models, etc. The initiative aims to examine the feasibility of acting in this context only through a series of pilot programs and help address the challenges facing higher education. The project wishes to establish a unique site at European level, through a series of recommendations for the universities and the participating centers, and a network of semi-formal institutions.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Rosana Montes, Universidad de Granada (UGR).
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (LLL-Erasmus programme)(510718-LLP-1-2010-1-ES-ERASMUS-EVC).
Grant amount: 299.496 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Albert Sangrà (coord.), Marcelo Maina, Maria Pérez-Mateo.
CONCEDE (CONtent Creation Excellence through Dialogue in Education)
Period: 2009-2011.
Description: User generated content (UGC) poses a number of challenges to the current understanding of education and its institutions, very much due to its success. The concept of “authority” should be rethought. The “ivory tower” of higher education should be opened to the wider world. Knowledge management becomes even more fundamental than in the past. Moreover, the rapidly growing number of learning resources generated by users makes the issue of quality a pressing one. The CONCEDE-CONtent Creation Excellence through Dialogue in Education project intends to address such issues. The overall aim of CONCEDE is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by enhancing the quantity and quality of user generated content that can be incorporated into higher education learning provision.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Thomas Kretschmer (Erlangen-Nürnberg Institut für Lern-Innovation-FIM).
Funding body and reference no.: European Comission (503993-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-ERASMUS-EMHE).
Grant amount: 399.847 €
Participating Edul@b members: Montse Guitert, Marc Romero, Marcelo Maina, Maria Pérez-Mateo
DOTS (Developing Online Teaching Skills): Bite-Size Training for Language Professionals
Period: 2008 – 2011.
Description: The project will develop an online platform for delivering teacher training at a distance and will encourage new forms of teaching and learning languages, thereby improving the quality of online language education. It will identify teachers’ ICT training needs, evaluate bite-size training materials by participants and experts, collect reflective activities on the project website, disseminate DOTS materials and cascade results and training materials.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Ursula Stickler (Department of Modern Languages, Open University, UK).
Funder: European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML).
Grant amount: 18.000 €
Participating Edul@b members:Pauline Ernest, Joseph Hopkins.
Online Learning Global Snapshot Project
Period: 2010.
Description: This research project is designed to take a «snapshot» of the state of online learning at the global level.
Lead researcher: Dr. Larry Ragan, Penn State University (USA).
Funder: Penn State University (USA).
Participating Edul@b members:Pauline Ernest, Joseph Hopkins.
OU-UOC Tutor training project in online collaboration for language learning
Period: 2008-2010.
Description: This project brought together foreign language tutors from the Open University (UK) and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya for an online training seminar focusing on the use of computer-supported collaborative tasks for language learning.
Lead researcher: Dr. Regine Hampel, Department Modern Languages, Open University (UK).
Funding body and reference no.: 6.000 GBP.
Participating Edul@b members:Pauline Ernest, Montse Guitert, Joseph Hopkins.
Training teachers to foster collaborative language learning online
Period: 2008-2009.
Lead researcher: Dr. Regine Hampel, Open University (UK).
Funder: Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (UKOU).
Grant amount: 6.000 €
Participating Edul@b members:Pauline Ernest, Joseph Hopkins.
Implementing e-learning 2.0 in everyday learning processes in higher and vocational education (e-JUMP 2.0)
Period: 2008-2009.
Description: The main objective of the project is to link up and connect various learning communities all over Europe and raise the role of communication in learning processes through implementation of 2nd generation e-learning (e-Learning 2.0) in higher and vocational education.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Jüri Lössenko, Estonian Information Technology Foundation.
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (LLL-Erasmus programme)(135249-LLP-1-2007-1-EE-KA3-KA3MP)
Grant amount: 588.115 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia, Montse Guitert, Teresa Romeu, Albert Sangrà.
eLearning Network for the Development of a Teaching and Learning Service Centre (eLene-TLC)
Period: 2007-2008.
Description: The eLene Teaching and Learning Centre is an online repository of resources for technology-enhanced teaching and learning, categorised according to LOM attributes.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Deborah Arnold, .
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (LLL-Erasmus programme)(2006-4536/001-001ELE ELEB14).
Grant amount: 1.249.780 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Montse Guitert, Teresa Romeu, Albert Sangrà.
Learning Object Repository Network (LORNET)
Period: 2004-2008.
Description: The Learnng Object Repository Network Project provides a foundation to share resources within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system through the establishment and embedding of agreed principles in the design and development of resources and resource repositories.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Gilbert Paquette, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur le téléapprentissage (CIRTA-LICEF).
Funder: Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG).
Grant amount: 5.6 mill. €.
Participating Edul@b members: Marcelo Maina.
E-Learning network for Teacher Training (eLene TT)
Period: 2005-2007.
Description: The driving idea behind eLene-TT is to improve the ability of Higher Education teachers to make pedagogical use of ICT, through the development of a Virtual Learning Resource Centre providing guidelines and resources for both teacher trainers and teachers themselves and through student-driven teacher training actions, pooling and testing tools and approaches developed by each of the partners in the wider European context.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Deborah Arnold, .
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (LLL-Erasmus programme)(2005-3871/001-001)
Grant amount: 107.249 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Montse Guitert, Teresa Romeu, Albert Sangrà.
SLOOP Project
Period: 2005-2007.
Description: The SLOOP Project aims at promoting and facilitating the integration of eLearning, work-based learning and face to face education in schools, colleges, universities, training centres and by teachers/trainers and, generally speaking, by everybody who is involved in planning and running pedagogical paths. The Sloop project objectives are the following: to define a methodology to produce Learning Objects after the up-and-coming international standards (with reference both to pedagogical and technical aspects).
Web site:;
Lead researcher: Dr. Pierfranco Ravotto, ITSOS (Istituto Tecnico Statale Sperimentale ad Ordinamento Speciale) “Marie Curie” di Cernusco sul Naviglio.
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (Leonardo) (I/05/B/F/PP-154194)
Grant amount: 40.407 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia, Marcelo Maina, Albert Sangrà.
MEGATRENDS in e-learning provision
Period: 2005-2007.
Description: The specific aim of the MegaTrend project is to seek to identify the MegaTrends: what are the rules for achieving critical mass in e-learning; what are the rules for moving from a small scale fragile e-learning provider to a large scale permanent and successful e-learning institution. The project’s aim is to enhance public knowledge on sustainable and cost-effective large-scale e-learning by analyzing the trends and contributions to large-scale success and to identify laws and recommendations for success and failure in e-learning.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. Torstein Rekkedal, Professor and Director of Research and Development, NKI.
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (NO/05/C/F/RF-83250)
Grant amount: 44.562 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Albert Sangrà.
E-xcellence Project. Creating a standard of excellence for e-learning
Period: 2005-2007.
Description: It aims to set a standard for Quality in e-learning. The project is a cooperation between 13 significant partners in the European scene of higher education e-learning and Quality assessment and accreditation and EADTU. The main objective of the E-xcellence project is to contribute to this process by creating standards of excellence in e-learning as: a) Assessment tool (programme and institutional level); b) Improvement tool (internal quality care system); and c) Tool for accreditation for excellence.
Web site:
Lead researcher: Dr. George Ubachs (European Association for Distance teaching Universities, EADTU).
Funding body and reference no.: European Commission (2004-3536/001-001)
Grant amount: 16.449 €.
Participating Edul@b members: Nati Cabrera.