Transfer projects

Evaluating the impact of the 2024-25 edition of the mSchools Lab initiative

Duration: 2024-2025

Description: mSchools is a public-private collaboration (GSMA, Department of Education and Barcelona City Council) for the digital transformation of educational centres. mSchools Lab is an innovation programme that aims to generate collaboration between educational centres and EdTech industry initiatives to respond to the real needs of the educational community. The intention is to promote the identification, piloting and evaluation of the impact of innovative digital solutions, capable of responding to the challenge that mSchools poses annually. This year it has been: How can technology contribute to motivation, personalisation of learning, lifelong learning and academic success?

In the current edition, two initiatives have been selected: NEXES and Annie Advisor

Pilot Centres: institutes, secondary education and adult training centres (Annie: 6 centres – NEXAS: 4 centres)

mSchools has commissioned the Edul@b research team to evaluate the impact of the two selected initiatives in the 2024-25 edition of the mSchools Lab.

Edul@b Members: Montse Guitert, Albert Sangrà and Josep M. Mominó

Shock Plan Against the Digital Divide

Duration: 2024-2025

Financing administration: Fons Europeu Next Generation i Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliencia del Govern d’Espanya. Next Generation Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya

Lead Researcher: Dr. Teresa Romeu

Project information: In order to reduce the digital gap, and the currently non-existent trainings, a series of actions are planned aimed at the most disadvantaged groups of citizens and with more possibilities of access to contents and trainings in the field of ICT in in order to provide a foundation in their most basic current digital skills, as well as to encourage and improve any they may have.

To achieve these objectives, it is essential to train the technical staff who will train citizens in the use of ICT, so that they can act as drivers, catalysts and dynamizers against the digital divide, with the territory and for the territory. This task is relevant in that the institutions or entities selected and the trainers will be responsible for facilitating and transmitting this knowledge and training the target audience. This will make it possible to contribute directly towards the goal of achieving a digital society with digitally competent citizens, able to use digital technologies safely for various purposes such as learning, shopping online, obtaining health information and participating in society, being entertainment etc.

It is for these reasons that within this plan there are different specific actions, one of which is particularly crucial is the design, development, implementation, preparation and evaluation of a training proposal intended for the people who will implement the actions to combat the digital gap with citizens.

Participating Edul@b members: Dr. Montse Guitert and Dr. Teresa Romeu


Enhancing Digital Education in the Mediterranean

Duration: 2024

Lead Researcher: Lourdes Guàrdia

Project information: The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), in collaboration with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), is launching a project to promote the digitalisation of higher education in the Mediterranean region. The initiative, which will have two training blocks and a guide on the digitalisation of higher education in the Mediterranean region, is aimed at academic leaders, management and administrative staff, teaching staff and research staff of higher education institutions in the region.

The proposal was created to provide a specific response to the needs of a region, the Mediterranean, which, despite having experienced a growth in the level of use of technology in recent years, faces specific challenges: the population of many countries often does not have sufficient access to education, especially in rural areas; there is a gender gap in enrolment and educational attainment, and limited professional aspirations affect people’s employability and career prospects. The digitalisation of higher education is a tool that can help solve some of these specific challenges.

Participating Edul@b members: Lourdes Guàrdia, Marcelo Maina and Nati Cabrera

Virtual Reality for the generation of immersive learning scenarios. A critical look at the built environment

Duration: 2024

Financing administration: Fons Europeu Next Generation i Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliencia del Govern d’Espanya

Lead Researcher: Dr. Monse Guitert

Project information: The project “Virtual reality for the generation of immersive learning scenarios. A critical look at the built environment” is a digital innovation initiative that aims to support educational centers and teachers in the design, development and evaluation of interdisciplinary immersive projects that, taking advantage of virtual reality and network collaboration, contribute to the development of a critical look at the built space, sensitive to people’s needs and committed to the collective aspirations of sustainability and equity.

The aim is to contribute to the digital transformation of educational centers through support in the design, development and evaluation of immersive interdisciplinary projects capable of influencing the organizational culture of the centers and the established conceptions of pedagogical practice. To develop the immersive projects, each school has received digital material, training for its use and support for the generation of immersive 360 ​​tours which, in the end, will be integrated into a digital repository shared with all the centres.

Participating Edul@b members:  Dr. Montse Guitert, Dr. Teresa Romeu and Dr. Josep Maria Mominó

Web page:

Digital empowerment of citizens: Barometer of citizenship digital competence and online teacher’s digital handbook

Duration: 2021

Financing administration: 9.000€

Lead Researcher: Montse Guitert

Amount granted: Ajuntament de Barcelona

Country: Catalonia

Investigadora responsable: Dra. Monse Guitert

Project information: The Barcelona City Council and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) will work on a project that consists, on the one hand, in knowing what the digital skills of citizens are in order to provide an adequate response to their needs and, on the other, in offer teachers guidance and recommendations to be able to become online teachers to act in the current context of pandemic in which we can find ourselves again in a situation of non-presence, where we will have to do everything online, or in a intermittent.

The activities to be carried out in the project are:

  • Citizenship digital competence thermometer to know the level of citizenship competence
  • Online trainer’s guide / handbook with guidelines, recommendations and resources to be able to apply at many educational levels

Participating Edul@b members: Dr. Teresa Romeu

Conveni de col·laboració entre l’Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya,mitjançant el Departament de Polítiques Digitals i Administració Pública, i la Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i la Fundació Blanquerna per al desenvolupament dels nous continguts de l’ACTIC adaptats al marc europeu de competències digitals (DIGComp 2.1) i el sistema d’indicadors d’avaluació.

Financing administration: Generalitat de Catalunya, mitjançant el Departament de Polítiques Digitals i Administració Pública Generalitat de Catalunya País: Catalunya

Period: 2020

Grant Amount: 49.000,00 €

Lead researcher: Dra. Teresa Romeu

Participating Edul@b members: Dra. Montse Guitert

Conveni de col·laboració entre l’Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya, mitjançant el Departament de Polítiques Digitals i Administració Pública, i la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) i la Fundació Blanquerna per actualitzar l’estructura general de continguts de l’ACTIC

Financing administration: Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration.

Period: 2019

Grant Amount:  67.215,50€

Country: Catalonia

Lead researcher: Dra. Teresa Romeu

Participating Edul@b members: Dra. Montse Guitert

Les competències digitals per a la ciutadania

Period: 2018-2019

Grant Amount:  80.000€

Financing administrationAjuntament de Barcelona

Country: Catalonia

Lead researcher: Dr. Monse Guitert and Dr. Teresa Romeu.

Project Information: The City Council of Barcelona and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) will work on a project to improve the digital competences of citizens, with the aim also of reducing the digital gender divide. The project will be active until the end of 2019 and and will have the participation of the researchers of Edul@b Montse Guitert and Teresa Romeu.

Through Barcelona Activa, the university and the consistory have signed an agreement to digitally empower the population through a program of actions that includes the creation of a map of digital competences that will help people identify their knowledge, skills and attitudes in this area. This map will make it possible to diagnose the level of digital competence of citizens, as well as propose training itineraries adapted to their level of knowledge, interests and needs.