Open Education Resources of the OERup! project

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The OERup! project -in which the Edul@b group participates- aims to: promote and encourage the successful implementation of open educational practices in adult education institutions in Europe, publicise the value derived from OER, and promote an open friendly educational setting in schools, provided to encourage participation in open education.

Resources of the OERup! project

The project, which has lasted two years, has finalised in August 2016. At this time we have produced a set of resources, among which we would like to highlight:

  • A needs assessment report about the Open Education in the context of Adult Education. The analysis has taken place at several levels: first, regional (at the level of Germany, England, Spain and Romanian) and on the other side, European.
  • An online training course on Open Educational Resources. Organised in 6 modules, the aim of the formation is to train students to be able to search, create and use Open Educational Resources and be able to implement open educational practices in their daily work.
  • A teaching guide. This guide is intended to help teachers who want to reproduce or adapt the OERup course! in an educational environment.
  • Some recommendations for implementing Open Educational Resources in Adult Education, the aim of which is to provide support and practical ideas in order to start or advance in the implementation of open education.

All information is free and available online in downloadable version (pdf, docx and odt) for use and/or adaptation in 5 different languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish and Romanian).

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