Fourth publication of the Edul@b Smartpapers’ collection on ePorfolio in the educational context
The current educational context promotes the implementation of competency-based learning models and intensive use of ICTs in all processes that promote a permanent dialogue among all actors involved in educational action.
From this approach, when we talk about evaluating competencies, extended processes are activated over time, and this implies the need to adopt strategies such as the use of electronic portfolios (also known as ePortfolios).
These strategies are appropriate for this context, because: they make the learning process more visible and documented, the student is continuously monitored, reflective learning is promoted and the student is projected beyond the educational context.
The ePortfolio in the educational context
The fourth publication of the Edul@b Smartpapers’ collection of Edul@ written by the researchers of the group Lourdes Guardia and Marcelo Maina and the professor of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences Maite Fernández details the ePorfolio in the educational context.
Among other issues, it explains:
- What is an ePortfolio in an educational context
- The evidence of learning in an ePortfolio
- ePortfolio functions
- Formative evaluation through ePortfolio
- Tools and platforms that can support the implementation of an ePortfolio
- The ePorfolio beyond the educational context
You can consult the Smartpaper “The ePortfolio in the educational context” in this link (in spanish).