Edul@b participates in the project meeting of the CRISS Project held in Zagreb
The CRISS project has now almost reached the end of the first year and the last meeting in Zagreb was a good opportunity to share project progresses, present what has been done up to now and define next steps. This project meeting has been held in Zagreb the 29th and 30th of November 2017.
During the event, UOC presented the last and final version of the CRISS Methodological Framework for the development and assessment of Digital Competence and also a certification proposal elaborated in collaboration with the academic partners.
A first set of competence assessment scenarios (CAS) addressed to the evaluation and certification of Digital Competence was also introduced to the rest of the partners by UOC and London’s Global University (UCL). The discussion among user partners, which created scenarios, and UOC in charge of their analysis, continued in a separate session during the afternoon. In it, aspects concerning the design of the activities and the guidelines to optimize the process of creation have been tackled together with a deeper analysis of the whole set.
The process of creation of additional CAS will remain open until the middle of January. It will be supported by a scenarios creation tools also presented in the meeting and by additional external ICT tools as e.g. Magellan for the creation of gamification-based scenarios. An overview of this tool has been presented to the partners within the session ‘CRISS Core ICT Solutions’.
Learning analytics will also support the process of evaluation and the enhancement of the learning experience by tracking students, gathering information on their progresses and showing the completion details by competence.
The Conceptual model elaborated by UOC and the whole CRISS methodological Framework will be tested by means of large scale pilots scheduled from september 2018. Relevant data for assessing the success of CRISS ecosystem will be gathered through a series of instruments presented in the meeting by the University of Zagreb (FOI).
UOC also played a key role in the session on the Certification Committee, in whose definition it is involved together with a small group of partners.