Analysing the possibilities of open educational resources in adult education


The Open Educational Resources (OER) are resources such as documents or multimedia material that are useful for teaching, learning or assessing, and are usually freely accessible and openly licensed.

The OERup! project -in which the Edul@b group participates- aims to: promote and encourage the successful implementation of open educational practices in adult education institutions in Europe, publicise the value derived from OER, and promote an open friendly educational setting in schools, provided to encourage participation in open education.

In this sense, the web of OERup! It’s mainly focused on raising the open educational course for adult education designed for the project.

“OERup! Multiplier Event” in Rome

On June 9 the members of Edul@b Marc Romero and Maria Pérez-Mateo participated in the “OERup! Multiplier Event” held in Rome, in which were presented the main results of the project.

Among these results we can find:

  1. Training Material: Based on the analysis of the needs it has been designed and implemented a training course on open education, including different webinars and seminars.
  2. Good practices: A set of good practices have been identified.
  3. It has been constituted a community, through webinar and seminars (that has been active using Google +) to share experiences of good practices.
  4. Guidelines: Guidelines have been developed.

We are currently working on translating the course into different languages, which will be ready soon. You can consult the full course in English here.

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