The final conference of the SELFEE project will take place on September 26 and 27 in Barcelona

The SELFEE project (Digital Literacy and Social Emotional Learning for Engagement and Employement), started in 2017, will end during this September. It will end with two events that will take place in Barcelona:


SELFEE is an Erasmus + European project with the participation of Edul@b whose main objective is to provide new tools for professionals working in the field of employment so that people without job and at risk of social exclusion, such as long-term unemployed and / or from disadvantaged social environments, can develop transversal digital skills through socio-emotional learning (SEL), applied to job search.

You can find more information about the project in this article of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences.


From September 26 to 27, the final conference of the project will be held with the title “SELFEE: digital literacy, socio-emotional learning and non-discrimination in the search for employment”, where you can enjoy different points of view in this area through talks, round tables, workshops, creative presentations and networking.

Within the framework of this conference, UOC teachers Montse Guitert, Teresa Romeu and Gemma Abellán will present the project on the 26th of September.

You can register for the conference through this link.

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