From the publication of the “Decalogue for unexpected online teaching“On March 16, our research group, Edul@b, activated a strategy to contribute from their experience with the needs of educational institutions as a product of the impact of Covid-19. This contribution then continued with the webinar cycle Emergency remote teaching.
In order to continue to support educational institutions in the current uncertain situation, we would like to share a compilation of digital resources on emergency remote teaching developed by e-learning experts from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences UOC, including members of the Edul@b research group.
The monograph contains:
- Resources to get started with online teaching.
- Resources to design and plan your course.
- Compilation of tools for designing and planning an online course.
- Resources to interact and motivate students.
- Resources to evaluate your students’ learning.
- Resources to teach online according to which curricular areas.
- Emergency health and wellness resources.
Below we share a series of webinars carried out by Edul@b members for the UOC’s “Emergency remote teaching” webinar series:
Title | Teachers |
Enseñar y aprender online: superando la distancia social | Albert Sangrà |
Diseño de cursos online | Lourdes Guàrdia |
Claves para una evaluación online sencilla y efectiva | Nati Cabrera y Maite Fernández |
E-actividades para un aprendizaje activo | Marcelo Maina |
Herramientas y recursos imprescindibles para la docencia no presencial | Marc Romero |
Cinco estrategias clave en la docencia no presencial | Teresa Romeu |
Cómo generar actitudes digitales críticas entre nuestros estudiantes | Juliana E. Raffaghelli |
La colaboración en red para docentes y para estudiantes | Montse Guitert |