Authorship model of OER for Versioning

Model d’autoria de Recursos d’Aprenentatge Oberts for Versioning (RAO)


01/03/2011 – 01/03/201


The traditional interpretation of educational materials understand learning resources developed by experts as closed, durable and created as a fragmented process. This approach is questioned from different perspectives: pedagogical, economic and technological.

 Project Website



Main researcher

Dr. Marcelo Maina (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC). [mmaina@uoc.edu]

Research group

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Dr. Lourdes Guàrdia, Dr. Albert Sangrà, Dr. Marc Romero, Muriel Garreta.


Book chapters

  • Maina, M. & Guàrdia, L. (2012). Diseño de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el aprendizaje social. In  A. Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 1-15. UK: KMI-OU. ISBN 978-0956681041. Available at: http://oer.kmi.open.ac.uk/?page_id=2281

Conferences and congress

  • Maina, M.F. & Guàrdia Ortiz, L. (2012). Creating OER for Versioning: Experts and Learners as Knowledge Contributors. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (pp. 250-259). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • Maina, M.F & Guàrdia L. (2012) Diseño de Recursos Educativos Abiertos  para el aprendizaje social. In Proceedings of the VII CIDUI: La Universitat, una Institució de la Societat. July 4-6. Barcelona, Spain. ISBN  978-84-695-4073-2.
  • Maina, M.F & Guàrdia Ortiz, L. (2011). Maturing a model of authoring OER for versioning. In Proceedings of the 5th GUIDE International Conference, November 18-19. Rome, Italy.  ISBN 978-88-97772-00-2.


  • Maina, M.F. & Mor, E. (2012). Edición y publicación de Materiales Educativos Abiertos en Educación Superior Online. Dos experiencias piloto en la UOC. Open Education Week, March 5-10. Video: http://youtu.be/85JU5bo52_k